Regulators in India Find Formaldehyde In Johnson’s Baby Shampoo And Pull The Product From The Market
Johnson & Johnson is currently mired in Baby Powder cancer litigation and could soon be forced to also defend its iconic baby shampoo
Tuesday, May 7, 2019 - Johnson & Johnson is not just an American company but also derives a significant portion of its revenue from international sources such as Europe, China, and India. According to the financial publication LiveMint.com "For the period 2017-2018, Johnson & Johnson reported overall sales of $829 million in India." Changes in government regulations that happens in one country certainly affect regulatory changes that could be made in the others and companies monitor every event.
The other day the nation of India, a major revenue source with billions of current customers for Johnson & Johnson cosmetics and soaps, through the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR), issued the sternest possible warning and admonished and urged that Johnson's Baby Shampoo be banned throughout the country after finding a cancer-causing toxic chemical commonly used to embalm dead bodies in the product. According to IndiaToday.in, "In a letter to chief secretaries of all states, the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights or NCPCR ordered stoppage of sale of Johnson's baby shampoo and also removing the product from stock of shops after Drug Testing Laboratory, Jaipur declared it of substandard quality as the presence of formaldehyde was confirmed in it." The country's foremost authority on child's rights had sought the results from testing of Johnson's Baby Powder talc and Johnson's Baby Shampoo after receiving reports of the presence of asbestos, a known carcinogen in the product, as per India Today. Talcum powder attorneys helping families and individuals nationwide offer a free consultation and no obligation before filing a claim.
To the best of my knowledge, India's finding of formaldehyde is the first of its kind and could encourage even more cancer victims to file claims against the company. Virtually every major health research organization agrees that prolonged exposure to formaldehyde over a long period of time will probably cause cancer in humans.
Cancer.gov lists several of the world's most prominent authorities as agreeing that formaldehyde causes cancer. "In 1987, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) classified formaldehyde as a probable human carcinogen under conditions of unusually high or prolonged exposure (such as shampooing with it every other day). The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classifies formaldehyde as a human carcinogen. The National Toxicology Program, an interagency program of the Department of Health and Human Services, named formaldehyde as a known human carcinogen in its 12th Report on Carcinogens."
It is clear that Johnson & Johnson has failed to live up to its responsibility as a self-policing entity and the US Food and Drug Administration and Congress should immediately step in to recall the high-risk Johnson & Johnson baby care products, Johnson's Baby Powder, and Johnson Baby Shampoo until further testing proves the product is safe. Not only has Johnson & Johnson failed in its self-regulating responsibility, but the company also will not even consider relabeling their products to reflect the carcinogenic substances they contain. Women with ovarian cancer and men and women with mesothelioma have contacted Johnson's Baby Powder cancer attorneys to see if they qualify to file a claim against Johnson & Johnson for negligence in failing to self-regulate their baby care products.